Monday, February 16, 2009

it's a new day

Valentine's Day was more than I could have ever dreamed for! I woke up to chocolate covered strawberries, red hots, roses, and a beautiful necklace! It was perfect. Mr. Matty then told me he had another gift hidden in the house. My hunt lead me to our guest room where a brand new MacBook lay on the desk. I started crying. Then I cried some more. I am sure it wasn't the reaction he was hoping for, but they were happy and love full tears. I also felt bad since his "big gift" was WALL-E. I am typing my very first post from my new little computer and it is wonderful! Thank you my love, from the bottom of my heart!


Anonymous said...

Oh my God. How lucky are you?! :)

pink cupcake vintage said...

feeling super lucky! hope you had a great weekend sweet mary!

boldaslove said...

OMG a new macbook! You are so lucky!

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