There are several ladies on TV that have me wanting to raid their closet! Of course the entire cast of Mad Men, but most recently, the closet of Emma Pillsbury of Glee! I can't get enough of her J.Crew-Kate Spade-vintage combos! I actually found myself sad when she was completely absent from last weeks episode. The one piece I was dying to find, was her adorable red knit beret! Thanks to Forever 31 (as my friends and I call it), I now have one exactly like it! If you want more, check out this blog, and this one, which chronicles her outfits head to toe, every week.
*waves to you* Thanks for noticing my little Emma-inspired blog. I should be caught up with pics of Emma's outfits from previous episodes by the end of the weekend! I've found some great online shops for more Emma-y clothes so we can all shop to our heart's content. Thanks again and hope to see you over at What Would Emma Pillsbury Wear? soon! :)
I agree completely!
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